About Us

Who Are We

Welcome to Yellafin! We are a passionate team of digital marketing mavericks based in Bangalore.

Our carefully chosen team of young, energetic go-getters come from diverse academic backgrounds. But we share a common goal – to produce top quality products and service for clients that resonates with Yellafin’s ideals.

Founded by two brothers – Saurya “Viki” Pattanaik and Soumya “SP” Pattanaik in 2020 – we started off small by offering web design, content writing and optimization services to clients abroad. Over time, we realized our true calling – to help small businesses in India unlock their online potential.

The founders bring decades of freelancing experience. But it is the youthful exuberance of the team that forms the beating heart. Together, we provide end-to-end digital marketing services – in crafting websites, writing engaging content and boosting online visibility –- tailored to each client’s needs.

Humble Beginnings

Yellafin was born during the COVID-19 pandemic, definitely not the ideal time to start a business! But we took it as a challenge.

We began in a tiny four-seater cabin, joking that we could touch all four walls when seated. As we took on more clients, we expanded to more cabins. Today, we have our own office space to house our team.

Bengaluru is where Yellafin came into being. Through the years, we’ve come to appreciate all that this bustling city has to offer businesses like ours. We’re proud to call Bengaluru our home and thankful for the opportunities it has given us.

Our Goal – Empower Small Businesses

We want to bring the same commitment and expertise to the ever growing, small and micro enterprises in India. Maybe even expand throughout the Global South over time.

Why India? Well, she is at the cusp of something spectacular. There is no shortage of innovative, hardworking businesses here. Many are ready to tap the power of digital marketing but don’t know where to begin. We aspire to guide them through the complex world of SEO, web design, content strategy and more.

At Yellafin, we cut through the jargon and tailor proven digital solutions. We help craft websites that truly represent our clients’ brands – one that is culturally rooted and yet ready to branch out and touch lives of people well beyond their humble beginnings.

We want to tell their stories through engaging content. We want to boost their visibility so they can grow beyond their regions. That is what drives us at Yellafin.

The Heroes

Embodies the spirit of ‘jugaad’, he’s our tech-savvy business head who’s just as good at swift decision-making as he is with his Steam Deck console.

Saurya Pattanaik​

Always meticulous and never devoid of ideas, our content head’s mind works on a different dimension than us mere mortals. Absolutely loves a good PC build every now and then.

Soumya Prasad Pattanaik

Deceptively frail but with immense craft and tenacity – the OG proof of concept.


The unflappable backbone keeping processes running smoothly. Slow and steady wins the race.


Laser-focused process captain, she feels at home conquering any overseas challenge.


Our design maestro who bleeds pixels and dreams of aesthetically pleasing CSS.


The flexible all-rounder who morphs into anything we need. Jack of all trades, master of most.


Cool and collected, she’s quietly gearing up to be a jack of all trades.

Ankita M

Get In Touch With Us

Whether you’re looking for a complete marketing makeover or just some extra help with campaigns, we’re quick to implement solutions that get results. We’re eager to hear about your business and explore how Yellafin can help take it to the next level online. Guess what? The first consultation is on us! Let’s have a chat.